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Stock Photograph. Or How Can I Make Money Doing Something I Love?

I am often asked about the posts on my Facebook page or Twitter timeline referring to photograph sales. I sell Stock Photos. Most of my sales are through "Microstock" agencies. I take photos that others may need for their graphic work. This may be greeting cards, newspapers, websites, menus, or just about anything else for which you might need a photograph or illustration. The photographs made available to you by Wix are stock photos.  

The stock photography business is not easy. It is much different from portrait, wedding, or event photography. The most often asked question is "Can you make money doing that?" Well, of course you can. But my answer is, "Like most things, you get out of it what you put into it." This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It's hard work. And it's tedious work. Clicking the button and snapping the photo is the easy part. When the image is captured, the real work begins. When I discovered stock photography as a source of income, I was unemployed and determined to make a contribution financially to the household. I took the time to learn what I need to do to succeed. Many photographers and illustrators give up when they discover how much work is involved.  One of the great things about stock photography is that once the hard work is done, the images will continue to earn money for you. The images can be sold over and over again and you make money each time it sells.  I can receive payments for work I did years ago while I'm on vacation now. 

Are you interested in earning money with your photographs? I am happy to answer questions. When I was getting started, a very generous gentleman took the time to critique my photos and teach me what I needed to do to them to be successful. I would like to share some of what I know with you. Below are links to some of the sites I work with to sell my photos.  Please contact me with any questions regarding stock photography. 

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